As long as Aunt Agatha is not influencing policy.
As long as Aunt Agatha is not influencing policy.
Poor Mr. Yang. Mic problems...forgot his tie... and he seems to be the most normal, intelligent, reasonable person in that DNC clown car full of candidates.
Or you can use ravens like they do on What We Do in the Shadows.
I fully understand the strategy of customizing your message for a particular demographic, but Ms. Williamson’s strategy was truly bold.
Screw debates... I want her doing commentary for EVERYTHING...from Awards shows, to Chopped, to BattleBots and UFC fights.
Or to thank them for the bundle of pure joy that is Taika Waititi’s What We Do in the Shadows.
Please...PLEASE have Drew Magary do an analysis of her statements!!
I hate myself that I chucked at your joke, considering the subject.
So, anyone claiming “they didn’t know” either didn’t look, or actively looked the other way.
Pelicans are also the frigging ambulatory Sarlaccs of the aviary realm.
Hmm... And here I thought he was hanging out at the local Payless shoe store, posing as a clerk, and measuring customers’ feet.
Joe Flacco > Trent Dilfer...but only by the slimmest of margins.
The internet sure hasn’t helped, either...
That is true. he became a part time consultant. Worked with the Secret Warriors project..until he became Lash.
Insert paraphrased RDJ tropic Thunder meme here: