If it’s any consolation, his is the namesake of one of the most beautiful orchestral pieces ever composed:
If it’s any consolation, his is the namesake of one of the most beautiful orchestral pieces ever composed:
I see your Erby Ferby and raise you...
I want him to face either Ecclesiastical Denzel Washington or Rev. Pix Butt in the Final.
Now, if Donald Bullcoming was also known as “Donny”...
That there is some serious resourcefulness. A shining example of re-purposing the freshman dorm’s curtains.
Nintendo Switch examples that made me laugh out loud:
It just oozes Championship, doesn’t it?
I am secretly hoping for a Championship match-up of:
I disagree. Despite the negative press, I feel Ionosphere Torres shall attract voters and ascend to an altitude rarely experienced by Earthbound mortals. The name just radiates confidence.
I don’t think the CW has enough chewable scenery to handle BOTH of them...
Can someone Sync up “Baby Shark” with a gif of Drew doing his “I just won Chopped” dance?
Good God. I always knew Sam Zell was a terrible team owner. Now I am convinced he is also just a terrible human being.
Y’know...ever since Captain Marvel, cats have really been pushing the boundaries.
This is Deadspin. Do you think your entirely logical and completely reasonable position has any place here?
That there is some excellent Kinja.
On a somewhat related note:
“I wouldn’t touch that reference if you paid me.”
obligatory response:
+1 Good sir.