Don't Touch LOLA Falana

“Thank God the Lakers feel they need to keep Magic employed for no other reason than he was a great basketball PLAYER.”

Better yet, traded to the Clippers.

Nonetheless, take your star...

Whereas the Cleveland Steamers were perennially shitty. 

Red was very good, but he’s no Jerry Markbreit!

Ironically, most of the anti-vaxxers I’ve met are vehemently Anti-Trump.

+1  well played.


Heh...Reminds me of another loser ...although at the time, he was trying to appear tough while running for president.

Or maybe the commentors can do their own “Drew story of the Week,” where one of us just bullshits a story about (just throwing out ideas here):

That is right up there with the Chicago woman from a few years back, whose Obit stressed that she loved the Chicago Bears for all of her life, except for Jay Cutler.

+1 with a trip to the Danger Zone.

Shown here: Chicago Bulls Management

Well, the Bears did a year of Home Games at the University of Illinois during the Soldier Field renovation. I’m sure the flagship university of the most corrupt state in the country would happily take Bowl-cut’s money.

..and more gratuitous, unrelated, yet weirdly cathartic Trump bashing.

Came here for this reference...

“but I see no reason why the Bulls can’t luck into contender status for five minutes before somehow throwing it all away.”

Actually, he had to on December 9th. He did not adjust there either.

3 fucking points...That’s it?  3 fucking points?