Don't Touch LOLA Falana

God, the worst part about the NFL is hearing the meatball Bears’ fans call up Chicago Sports radio. God if I have to hear “Bob from Hyde Park” or “Dick from Pilsen” mispronounce players’ name, I am going to stab myself in the temple 83 times with a fondue fork. Seriously, here are some of my favorite examples that I

You can have North, Chet fucking Coppeck, and Danny Mac (I’m surprised he hasn’t yet gotten fired for missing work from drinking or prescription drugs...the Cubs broadcasts during the day seem to be good cover), but Terry Boers is Chicago sports media icon. So...

HEY! Calling NY pizza “soggy pita bread” is totally unfair... to actually soggy pita bread.

In his defense, Nate Vasher was a competent DB, one of the few who could contain Randy Moss.

Remote control. My God. I was addicted to that show in MTV’s early days. Now I must scour the interwebs for clips and snipets!

Wow, I am glad no politicians (other than Trump) have a creepy, too-handsy reputation similar to Seagal’s.

Eddie van Halen is amazing but...

Allegedly hit his then wife, when she needed to leave a party due to her feeling ill. She was several months pregnant at the time.

Essentially, T.O. said his not attending was to send a message that he does not feel the voting sportswriters follow the core values of the Hall when they vote; that they should only figure in on-field accomplishments. Whether a player was a self-aggrandizing, narcissistic, locker room cancer should not enter into it.

+1 with Ray Lewis’s sweat stains.

“And that, dear Drew, is the story of how I almost punched a nun.”

I can’t see a paladin being comfortable with this type of bloodbath of innocents (even though the Blood Elf Paladins are slightly more ambiguous in that area, if I remember my lore I am no expert on that by any means.).

Agreed; that would mean “no shift at all.”

Personally, I think High Regent Lor’themar should be Warchief. He’s both a Skilled diplomat and military strategist.

And the Blood Elves may be in the same position. Lor’themar, during Garrosh’s reign of violence, insinuated that he would be open to repairing ties with “former allies” (Night Elves), rather than follow such a murderous tyrant. I cannot see him backing Sylvannis for very long after torching Teldrassil. The Blood Elves

And a Giordanno’s stuffed Deep-dish pizza, while you’re at it.

+1 for you sir.

Kyle, the Chicago Meatball fans’ “Neck-bearded Messiah” would have fared no better than Sexy Rexy. You are correct that a healthy Tommie Harris, as well as a healthy Mike Brown, would have made a huge difference.