Yeah, but he’s on the Bears...isn’t that kinda like punishment?
Yeah, but he’s on the Bears...isn’t that kinda like punishment?
...who owes most of his early career to stealing bits from Steve Dahl and Garry Meier.
I’m for it, but only if I can drop Junior Mints into the incision from above.
Rumor has it Kevin Spacey and Louis C.K. don’t have any professional entanglements for the foreseeable future.
Take your +1, you magnificent Bastard!
Nothing will top the Kame-hame-ha wave celebration.
Wait... there are no Bills’ fans involved!
My brother’s roommate’s barber’s cousin was a Techmo Bowl GOD in Junior high, and he concurs as well.
So where the fuck was the “Authentic Canadian syrup” I paid you $125 for from?? An Aldi in Bayonne?
...and Auto racing.
Didn’t Deadspin do a series of articles about Jerry’s Mounting efforts?
Ahh...well THAT would be Papa John’s pizza everyday.
And also my favorite re-curring Russian General in Bond movies.
Is that like 50 Goldblum’s?
A kasari gama would definitely be a deterrent.
Wow. Watching this, I almost feel bad about all the “Eli DERP face” comments I’ve made over the years.
You mean, besides getting rid of Bayliss?
Take your +1, you magnificent, shipwrecked Bastard.
“Here hold my beer.”