Don't Touch LOLA Falana

Let’s check what other people might be saying...

That encounter was 83 seconds of awkward.

Not sure about Brexit and Trump, but didn’t the Pats win have something to do with talent, coaching, scheme adjustments and The Falcons apparently deciding to play “not to lose”?

+1 for your moniker...

Don’t worry. The Twitter-verse more than took care of that for you...


“But tell me another fanbase that indulges in this kind of shit with more regularity. YOU CANNOT.”

I’m sure Magary will cover that in detail on next week’s Jamboroo...

Love the Aussie!!

I regret that I have but one star to give for this comment...DAMN GOOD KINJA!

Let me preface this by saying I do not know much about Trump’s nominee, nor do I think highly of the current Narcissist sitting in the Oval Office.

My guess would be 83 times.

+1 with obligatory Orson Wells clap

My entry in “most Awesome rescue dog” Division: Ranger

I’ll take St. Louis Pizza over the vomit on soggy cardboard they call pizza in NYC.

+1 with Rhythmic slapping

A Stunner usually comes from face to face. From the angle of approach, I am tempted to say it was closer to a Diamond Cutter.

Can we get that with a Jim Ross audio clip?

RKO time...

“Yo, Kevin...Hold my beer.”