
And Cadillac’s engineers were apparently quite adamant about it being “fun to drive.”

Especially with the can of Faygo sitting behind the computer.

A true “Michigan basement” generally has stone walls for the foundation and a dirt floor. Source: Am from Michigan and grew up in a house with such a basement. I will say, however, that it does look 100% typical of any poured concrete basement at any of my friends’ houses during that time period.

Hell anyone from Michigan could have told you thats a “Michigan Basement” haha

LOL I was wondering about that... like... is that the actual team bus?

Nothing good ever happens when the Eagles come to town.

Seriously? The Camry driver AND passenger HAD to be high! Look at them! They have no clue the biker is even standing there let alone yelling at them though honestly, the biker had an extraordinary amount of control.

No joke, I want to run through a brick wall for this guy RIGHT NOW. Holy shit.

As I was boarding my southwest flight earlier this week, I thought to myself “I’m surprised Jalopnik hasn’t done a “Here’s why there are spirals on airplane engine impeller cones” and poof it’s here.

Plot twist: That’s not his kid.

My man in the lower left looks like he wants to party.

That is an amazing observation. You must be an expert Mustangologist. I watched the video 5 times trying to figure out how such a thing could happen and didn’t notice the pattern.

Front end was contained and yet the back still went for the nearest grouping of bystanders

The tears on this website might be a close second. It’s a fucking football game, not a metaphor for the country.

The boos for Goodell were a salve on this wound.

You seem like the type of “mindset” that purposely misses the trashcan so that a Janitor can pick it up for you....

These just seem like dick moves now... When I turned my jetta in I felt sort of bad for the guy at the dealership because he keeps getting harassed and blamed by customers. The guy at the dealership probably had nothing to do with the scandal. Just turn in the car. It’s not that hard to act like an adult.

Please, let's not call this "rape." I'm sure that birth can sometimes be traumatic, but calling it "rape" does a real disservice to survivors.