
The safe space backlash is so ridiculous. The kernel of rational thought behind the criticism would be to say, “Hey, too much of any kind of groupthink can lead to bad things, so let’s make sure we’re doing this thing thoughtfully.” Instead, these people are just rabidly lashing out at the concept in the most

Yes, down with safe spaces! Let’s live in the real world! I agree with the man who has several bodyguards and unlimited private transportation!

You banned soft drinks, dude. You don’t have much room to whine about a nanny state.

The world sucks.

You can only conclude one thing from the professor’s statement: that he, too, is a rapist.

Joan of Arc did not die for this shit.

Speechless. Putting aside the fact that our justice system is incredibly unfair when it comes to doling out equal punishment to everyone regardless of race and socioeconomic status, “teenage sex play”, “malheur”, “this suffering is your condemnation/consecration”?! Besides being incredibly pretentious it’s

..........Ah, no.

Republicans once investigated the Clinton Christmas card list and hauled 34 PEOPLE in to testify. What did they find? Nothing.


Someone help Hedi and her children escape.

Many (I think most) of these emails were classified that way after the fact (just as some of Colin Powell’s and Condoleeza Rice’s emails were classified after the fact). And “top secret” is a matter of interpretation.…

Okay - but back to the main point you tried to make. Remember where this started? Hillary will not be indicted for made up shit The investigation is not about Hillary being a traitor. Stop spreading lies.

State Department spokesman John Kirby said the documents, totaling 37 pages, were not marked classified at the time they were sent,

Everything you’ve read? You mean stupid fucking memes? go back to reddit and leave us alone.

Why bother with facts when you can post an unsubstantiated internet meme?

So what you’re saying is that alienating all minorities plus half the population might be a teeny tiny problem for someone running for the presidency of the entire country and not just bitter white bigots?

It’d be interesting to count how many times the Republicans have invoked their masculinity, specifically, as a means of garnering support for their ideas. It’s so common it goes unnoticed.

I just started flipping thru DIA, and it looks like in the book the bite-mark reveal takes place when Jamie is taking a bath. At one point he stands up, dripping wet, and Claire says he looks like a figure of freshly molten gold. She washes his hair. Why, producers, why?????? Why did we not get golden god jamie in the