
Seriously, this is how I was taught in counseling courses to engage clients and help clients start using this language during difficult discussions. It is a way to own your thoughts and not blame or accuse others. I feel that these Boomers are just upset that their communication, math, and overall social skills are

That’s how I perceive that phrase. You’re not imposing your view, you’re offering it up to open the discussion. Not sure what that professor is whining about anyways; in term papers and everything you submit formally, you have to back up your text with references, so that phrase can only be used during class

Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.

Why in the world do they suddenly care about women being assaulted. No one seemed to care when it was a drunk guy trying to grope me in the middle of the street or on the subway or at a concert.

OH WAIT, ITS not about that is it

I have referred to this same scene making the same argument many times. I am so glad I am not alone.

They are real, they are sending them out for donations right now.

I got mine hope it gets here soon!

Ok, I’m gonna sound like a typical smarmy over educated liberal here but....shit like this is why people think of the Republican Party as “the stupid people party”. It’s also why that saying “if you want to see what life was like 25 years ago go to the south” is becoming so prevalent and incredibly true. I know that

The party of small government is at it again.

I feel so much rage.


It gives me a warm fuzzy feeling knowing that that bar's bathroom is safe for four year-old girls.

Huh. I hadn’t thought about whether these bathroom bills were also stealth attempts to harass gays, lesbians, and bisexuals before. This must be part of that new educational series, The More You Didn’t Want To Know.

Well, tonight sucks. Fuck everything. WHY is it so hard for some people to be DECENT NOT SHITTY FUCKING HUMANS?

Are you fucking—...

woman superhero card

We’ve lost our collective minds

I think they look like a flight attendant or cruise ship worker from the 80s.

A friend of mine works for an Australian Olympian and we have been mocking the Australian uniform for weeks. It looks like a barbershop quartet had sex with a boarding school.

What even is that horrid short length?! These are athletes. Give me thigh or give me death!