There’s only so many times I can repeat the same “go to a new town, watch cut-scenes,
use your path actions,go to a dungeon, fight a boss” formula before I want to run my head through a wall.
There’s only so many times I can repeat the same “go to a new town, watch cut-scenes,
use your path actions,go to a dungeon, fight a boss” formula before I want to run my head through a wall.
Good old Aeon Flux, I think I was like 10 when that shit was on MTV, it does something to a mind that young lol.
Having no stake in this, I appreciate the two very conflicting views here.
Never even realized that TB is my age. Fuck...
Maybe I’m just incredibly naive, but as someone who has very little activity on social media (Only a FB account I rarely use), is it really that hard to create a private, separate account where somebody can unleash their “inner asshole” without self sabotage?
Any time I see a story like this, I always wonder how…
Preeeetty sure I’m going to get back to streaming on our Twitch channel by starting up a playthrough of Yakuza 4. It’s my personal favorite while I’d played the original it was my reintroduction to the series after a long time. Great cast and it’s always wonderful to explore Kamurocho.
There are regularly $5-7 commons from older sets, or uncommons that fetch double digit prices.
Yeah why didn’t people see it like that? It’s the “this is crazy enough to work!” thing failing over and over where in Star Wars it always seems to work previously. I liked that.
As does Kylo! Cold and calculating in Luke’s, sleeping and innocent in Kylo’s memory. It’s really well done.
Yup I read it and you’re right, it’s racist as hell.
Agreed. As someone who bought/received every new Nintendo system for Christmas from SNES to the GameCube, I couldn’t bring myself to get a Wii or WiiU. I only got a 3DS to play Ocarina of Time when I was out of town on work trips. I finally bought a Switch when the second round became available on Amazon back in June…
Thank you, it was a really tough time in my life and making other people happy really helped battle depression - Made a few real life friends that helped my navigate my life, even had one of them crash on my couch one night.
already posted this once, but meh. this should be reposted as many times as possible
Curt Schilling’s debacle was mostly money issues I think. This is a company that put in a piece of garbage as CEO, let said CEO change the entire focus of the game so that it was overhauled several times, had CEO face complaints of sexual misconduct, had an incident where the CEO went off on an employee during a live…
The only paid costumes here are Moira and Doomfist. Everyone else is attending as a fan, and those costumes were the result of weeks and sometimes months of passion, blood, sweat and tears.
Agreed. It’s one thing to acknowledge to remind / educate folks of the social & racial issues of that era in a piece of jounalism regarding a creation insphired by a different era; But to suggest that what is primarily a piece of entertainment / interactive art somehow missed the bar by not including such commentary…
Thank you Damien. Spoiled white kids talk big on the internet but haven’t suffered a day in their lives and couldn’t fight a real fight for freedom without pissing their diapers.
I wish I’d seen this comment before leaving my own reply. Well said.
This is one of the best Fine Art features we’ve ever run. Absolutely astonishing stuff.