
100% growth is pretty good and who knew it was going to shoot up to 11k+? Literally no one. I probably would have taken 100% profits as well back then. I sold my BTC before the Segwit fork fell through and it was at around 8.1-8.2k or so, now its skyrocketed back up to 12k ish. Can’t complain tho since my investment

3*. Is the main characters from Mystery Science Theater 3000

Larry Croft is the obvious winner.

The key difference is people actually play Final Fantasy XIV. No shade tho.

This is the best MMO story ever.

My guess is that in a month or so we’ll start seeing original compositions. There are probably already dozens if not hundreds of original compositions floating around but those don’t make for an exciting news story, since there’s no personal connection to the reader. Give it time.

Can we toss Vice on that list?

** Spoilers Follow **

Might be worth playing this game just to see some of this stuff in it’s intended environment. Gorgeous work, supreme attention to detail.

If “a sense of pride and accomplishment” isn’t a line in some film next year where the hero gets some menial, mindless task assigned to them, I will be genuinely surprised.

No you could just pay for Star Cards that among other things could MAKE BOBA FETT INVINCIBLE while using his Jetpack. Certainly not pay to win.

LOL I like how it’s not EA’s fault for putting in the predatory, grindy-ass lootboxes it’s this guys fault for coming up with a way to not have to grind for predatory, grindy-ass lootboxes. You must be from Stockholm.

I love the guard change. In an MMO, super-powerful guards make sense. But, in a modern single player RPG I should have the freedom to simply slaughter everyone if I so choose, with dire consequences of course. The mod developer is right, though, I mean the Witcher has gone up against some of the most bad-ass baddies

This is some good writing.

I guarantee your iPad mini did not have 16GB of RAM.

Dude are you kidding me you tap your screen three times and you have access to some of the best content available in the world FOR FREE. Jesus man maybe a smartphone isn’t for you, your anxiety might be too high of three taps makes you sputter into all caps mode.

People used this exact argument in reverse to get people to play Marvel Heroes when it came out. This is probably the least helpful opinion ever, since Ultimate Alliance has no development, no potential for new content, very little replay value, and no social aspects. They’re completely different games.

Can someone educate me on whether or not revealing armor is frowned upon or not? I’m not being silly or flippant here, I’m genuinely confused on what the current social temperature on this is. There seem to be entire websites devoted to lampooning and deriding revealing armor...but at every convention cosplayers seem

So it’s a virtual Hunger Games? If they can find good Gamemasters and an announcer like Ceasar Flickerman, this actually might blossom into a thing. One thing Twitch has been lacking for me is that sporting-event feel where you have a knowledgeable announcer passionately explaining what’s taking place for the

Add the extra e yourself, since you have so much time on your hands.