What a great movie.
What a great movie.
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I did. I think I'm going to hold out on the zombie pack until October-ish so I don't overdose on Red Dead.
I just got a PS3 (mostly to finally play Red Dead Redemption) and if GTA V is anywhere as good as that, I'll happily buy it.
I'd give Gravity's Rainbow a 00000 out of 10. Man just wants to bite into the boring old potato and not find some pomegranate mashed all magenta.
A Comedian died in New York.
There's so much about this episode that's great but I think my favorite part is the giant fake license. It's such a stroke of slacker genius and watching the Freaks struggle to position their heads correctly is hilarious.
The largest crap he ever took was called A Feast For Crows.
I haven't been commenting that much lately but what's up with all the shitty new gimmick accounts?
Yeah, but what has Donald Kaufman done recently?
iTunes released it early by accident.
I've seen tonight's episode. I can't contribute to this in any definitive way that wouldn't constitute a spoiler but I want you to reread your comment after watching the episode.
You don't sound like a dick there, that's fine. I would definitely nix a person on a dating site if they didn't believe in evolution but not having a more detailed and accurate explanation while still accepting the basic principle would be fine with me.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that humans didn't evolve from apes, rather that there was a common ancestor between the two that isn't what we'd think of as a human or an ape.
1. The Sound of Skeletons Dancing in A Spooky Graveyard
2. The Allman Brothers - "Rambling Man"
3. A Child's Cries as it Realizes that it is An Orphan
4. Vampire Weekend - Modern Vampires of the City
5. Muffled Sobs
No, Formal Batman, AV Club is Pagliacci.
I was holding out to see if there would be an Orpheus shirt but this looks like the one I'll purchase. All shirts come with Hank Co bucks as well!
Eat the pennies, Quizboy.
My gimmick is consistently average posting.