If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Beth is sticking to what this site is intended for.
If you don’t like it, don’t read it. Beth is sticking to what this site is intended for.
I find it facinating that you think that because a state is ‘red or blue’ that everyone in that state is in lockstep.
I’m gonna have to back you up on this one. The post made no specific mentions of any specific legislation. Definitely didn’t say anything about sanctuary cities....So I’m unclear what FlyOver’s gripe is.
“Please keep your opinions to yourself and just report the things I like.”
I don’t think slightly editorializing a breakdown of proposed legislation in certain states is “political rhetoric” and I wasn’t able to find any proof that lifehacker is not “designed” for said editorializing or writers’ opinions, period. If you can find a place on the site (or elsewhere) that explicitly states…
Hi there,