Shoot. I had George Soros, in a pizza restaurant, tweeting “lol no one likes you” until ego combustion. I never win these things!
Shoot. I had George Soros, in a pizza restaurant, tweeting “lol no one likes you” until ego combustion. I never win these things!
When I was a child (9ish?), I owned the screenplay for this movie. I read a LOT of movie novelizations when I was young—well, I basically read anything I could get my hands on and this was often movie novelizations for reasons I cannot explain—and my best guess is that someone bought this screenplay for me thinking…
Well, I say it and I mostly mean it. Otherwise, though, you’re right. When women say they “hate all men” it’s typically hyperbole. They’re expressing exhaustion, frustration, fear, sadness, woundedness, etc. Really, most women care way too much about men—to our own detriment.
Except married couples don’t “become one.” — that’s some marriage mythology right there. They’re still two separate and distinct individuals who can choose to ignore their spouse’s influence.
It is the best worst movie I’ve ever seen.
But wait, are we supposed to celebrate that the bodies of trans women are now being openly objectified and sexualized the same way cis-gender female bodies have been? Like, is this a “good thing?” I mean, I guess?
Can someone please explain what’s wrong with wanting evidence?
Sadly there are some people who are SO invested in making sure the accused are innocent until proven guilty, that they forget that the victims are *also* innocent until proven otherwise.
No, in sexual assault cases, many times people don’t believe a crime occurred in the first place. They don’t believe it to the point where no investigation is done, and in fact, the victim is villified even for coming forward. That’s the difference.
For all other crimes, lots of people believe the victims over the perpetrators, without a trial, and yet society hasn’t fallen apart. We want the attitude toward sexual assault victims to match the attitude towards all other victims. That is all.
And ironically the innocent-until-proven-guilty! crowd have zero problem assuming, without any evidence, that the woman reporting rape are guilty of the crime of false reporting.
Wait, you mean she wasn’t instantly and universally believed and showered with job offers and money, and Nelly’s life wasn’t ruined forever by the mere accusation? This must be the first time in history that a rape victim wasn’t richly rewarded for coming forward and an alleged rapist escaped unscathed.
Diego had his own house because Frida was tired of him fucking every woman, including her own sister, in town. She was devastated every time.
Convince her that Jesus no longer approves of their union.
Grayling was indignant. He was sick of people talking down Britain like this. Compared with all the cancelled services on Southern Rail, a hybrid train arriving just 45 minutes late was a fantastic achievement.
There’s a stark differemce in believing in the mathematical possibility that aliens exist and believing that they came and visited you when you were 7.
Wait, they told us here in Murica that you have to wait ten years to see a doctor over there because of socialism!