
Doing something even when you’re scared is the true meaning of brave. Thank you for speaking up, and I hope things get better for you quickly.

You can’t see everybody’s intentions upon first meeting/seeing them.

It’s stories like these that have made me afraid...just for a guy to like me. You just don’t know how these guys will react. Sometimes just being polite will put you in harms way. I told an 60+year old man good morning passing him in the store & held the door open for him. He said thank you & 15sec later asked me for

Right? Like if you can’t act like a fucking human alone with a female coworker I think you might need to live on a island by yourself somewhere. I know it should be internally generated that you not be a total greasy fucking creep but it might help a little if more workplaces had actual sexual harassment guidelines

...and this is why money matters, and why women directing and starring in summer blockbusters (in addition to independent films and cerebral films and everything else) matters.

You don’t need a $95 million community college for cops to train them to not profile blacks or shoot people in the back.

I think the argument is that the police as they are currently, are part of the reason people are getting “murdered or screwed,” so giving them a $95 million academy while the entire city is having money issues makes no sense. Closing schools and skimping on education/training so that police officers get a pool is a

I’m sorry Chance that you and most of America have not gotten the message that the police and most elected officials do not work for you or your neighbors benefit. The police need to be taken care of first,because at some point people might get tired of getting murdered or screwed and our “leaders” are going to need

The proposed police and fire training facility would provide first responders with a place to “receive specialized, scenario-based training, get hands-on practice in real-world situations and improve collaboration in emergency response”

The best part is, the well regulated militia part is already taken care of - the National Guard.

I think you need to read the full amendment, bud.

My business is successful because of my personal accomplishments.
My business failed because of your politics.

Are you me? I literally said all of this on the day the excerpt came out.

I still cannot believe that people are shocked, SHOCKED that the DNC would rather work with a member of the Democratic Party (Hillary) instead of someone who IS NOT A DEMOCRAT (Bernie). Quelle surprise.

Is anyone else grappling with the cognitive dissonance of appreciating all the people who are cutting ties with/shunning/firing these creepy rapists, and also acknowledging that they’re only doing it because their backs are to the wall and/or it’s the popular thing to do at the moment?

The most shocking part to me is that most of the evidence seems to be coming from another cop. I wonder who Officer 1 is and what the story is? Either he was a new guy or he suddenly started recording Nucera for some other reason, because I find it hard to believe that Nucera suddenly became a violent racist in

The most shocking thing in this article was reading that he was being charged by the federal government.

Now playing

I wished I was a teacher like this who can tell a student stuff that this teacher does

None of the humans in their lives are women. Or, to put it another way, there are plenty of women and girls in the lives of these men, but they don’t see them as fellow human beings, but as decorative playthings, as set dressings, to complete their images of themselves as “family men.”