
Every top comes off, you just aren’t trying hard enough.

Did you see that Redblacks/Stamps game? God how I love the CFL and a happy Canada Day to you sir!

But if the software doesn’t know what to do with the input it doesn’t matter what the car sees/detects.

Only openly gay wrestlers are from San Francisco. Political wrestlers you hate are from Washington DC and the rich socialites are from New York City.

One would think that if it has no passengers, programming would alert the authorities and shut down all of the car’s systems until someone shows up. The police would be equipped with tech to “talk” to the vehicle and send it on its way if applicable. Otherwise they would call the owner or a tow truck.

Jalops should hope and pray that this is popular enough for dealers to mark up 25%. That would mean you would soon have more wagons from other OEM’s because a wagon is actually selling in the US.

Maybe, but it really could be as simple as the software not being told about jumping. The jump might also take it out of the range of the sensors, so to the software it would disappear.

It sounds like more of a software problem. The software is expecting kangaroos to act like every other animal it has detected, moving along the ground, when the jump comes the software can’t handle it.

I would assume they ran his plates, dispatched a unit to his address and then had the chopper keep him in sight in case he wasn’t headed for home. How else would you do it?

The DMV probably does yes.

They ran his plates and found his address and then sent a patrol to his house while the chopper kept him in sight. My god people, cops have radios and computers in CA nowadays.

The helicopter radios ahead and then follows. Other officers drive to his house. We have more than one cop in CA you know.

My friends and I tried to get “The West Bay” to catch on in the 90's but found few takers.

I am one of those old guys, I drove 1974 Pontiac Grand Am when I was in the Air Force with the 455 in it. Just for fun I looked up the hp numbers and my classic American muscle car made 250 HP vs my current Sienna’s 230 HP.

It would stop in time.

Another Californian here and I am certainly to the point of not resisting secession. I’d prefer to see us stay in and just continue to cut our checks to DC and ignore them otherwise.

You can easily find a very low mileage electric car with 70-100 mile range in the CA bay area for around $7k. An equivalent ICE is roughly a grand or two more.

Think of it as corporate community service. Not fundamentally different then making DUI offenders pick up trash on top of their fines.

Need one? I have like 6 or so...

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