
Random asshat uses the Mirror plugin for After Effects or Final Cut and fucking Casey Chan has to post the goddamned video like its something magical.

Unsurprisingly, Spotify users have utterly shit taste in music.

Report this piece of shit idiot.

Hey, fuckface, he hasn’t been with Apple in thirty one years.


There's no way it needed to make 450 million to break even. 320 million at max.

Oh? So you think Apple should be producing pieces of shit like this Samsung?

Casey Chan, redundant, late, repetitive and boring.

Maybe because there isn't any, you uncanny shitbag?

Thankfully, most of the world knows to immediately suspect any review by Lussier.

Casey Chan - Ignorant Cunt.

Corporate level shit. Abrams, and that talentless cunt Nolan level shit.

Bullshit, HBO shill.

Fuck off, corporate shill.

Can wait - looks like shit,

For someone who wishes to remain closeted, Cooper does a poor job of hiding his sexuality.


Wow, you have no fucking clue what you're posting about.

Alex Cranz, posting more ignorant bullshit.

How about everyone stops using shit, meaningless buzzwords like “woke” and “bae” and sticks to fucking English?