“Thrid”? Really?
“Thrid”? Really?
Supposition. Unscientific nonsense.
OMG, not John Saunders!
Well, asshole, it’s not every day six million people are systematically murdered simply for their beliefs under an oppressive fascist regime created in large degree on the beliefs of its leader that those people were inferior.
It's better than the actual shitty show.
“Archives going back to 1995" is not “never”, you ignoramus.
One of the worst shows on television right now, and I'm convinced it's fans have been brainwashed through some broadcast signal. Utter shit.
Given that there never were any “Obama phones” and the program to which that refers was actually started under George Bush (and has roots going back to Roosevelt, FFS) your attempt at humor is even less amusing.
Please, fuck off.
Pokefuck you up the ass with a rusty tin can, shitwad.
How the fuck did Cranz get a job writing about tech?
Well, he is punchable as fuck, but swatting is not cool at all.
Humans have the right to be wherever they wish, you bellend.
You seem like a cunt.
Yeah, just publish shit from any old random asshole. That doesn’t devalue the form at ALL.
Magic underwear and Jesus juice will solve that problem, right?
No, fuck you, asshat. Judge is a genius.
Hope Ziff Davis fires you.
“Devolution” is the correct term here.
Godzilla-sized pile of shit.