
Progressives are hateful people. Don’t believe the rhetoric. It is a set of beliefs based on envy and greed.

“I’ve run into Trump supporter after Trump supporter after Trump supporter who absolutely refuses to judge his actions critically. At all.”

Get a grip, loser!

You don’t understand how identity politics work then.

This is from a post above.

“I don’t know these white women who voted for Trump - I just don’t. I’m going to guess a lot of them are Christian, hold a 4-year degree or less, returned to their hometowns or never left. I suspect a lot of them are married to men who exert a certain level of control over their thinking and political lives. I’m going

Well yeah. Because reasons!

Thank Jebus! We would be completely fucked if they did.

Is Meryl Streep going to come to his defense?

What theory of economics do you believe? I will wait patiently for your answer.

Hell Yeah! Eradicate White Feminism! Shut Down Jezebel!

Name one right you don’t have that men do.

“For example, the other day I brought in leftovers from dinner to eat for my lunch. I was heating it up in the microwave and a coworker asked me what kind of ethnic food it was. WTF?”

“I doubt that you go through life experiencing everyday microaggressions from what you have shared with me about yourself.”

I got nauseous reading your comment. It makes absolutely no sense. We need better education in America.

Shut the fuck up, whitey. No axed you!

“Tell me about it. Just got a hot take on FB about the womens march from the girl who checks IDs at the gym.”

“As if they werent’ trying to make us hide our ankles and wanted to keep rape legal the whole fucking time until women stood up.”

“It’s called the Dunning-Kruger effect. Basically ignorant people don’t realize how much they don’t know so they have an artificially inflated sense of superiority.”

“I’m a privileged (almost) upper middle class white woman”