
You forgot asians. They are the most anti-black. At least in LA.

Pale ass white cracker.

Next time just write “Fuck white women”.

“It’s hard for a lot of white women to balance lifting their own concerns up, and also lifting others voices, without speaking for them.”

“I’m going to be loud and aggressive and engage people in discussion and I’m going to drag these people kicking and screaming into the future.”

Welcome to the Oppression Olympics! Now sit your white ass down, Bitch!

“Many otherwise intelligent white women will, upon some injustice, move themselves right to the front of the oppressed queue and assume that everybody (LGBTQ, PoC) is behind them. Not only that, that everybody SHOULD be behind them because *they* know what’s best, *this* is the most important fight, etc.”

Are you Matt McGorry? You sound exactly like that worthless piece of shit.

This shit is very fascinating. You guys are like a religious cult.

Watching you grovel would be hilarious if it wasn’t so fucking pathetic.

Get on your knees when you speak!

There is no doubt Kara Brown is racist.

WOC can’t be racist. Nice try.

White women are the worst.

Pull your head out of her ass. It’s pathetic.

“It also was not dominated by white women”

“and above all I think we proved to one another and this admin that we are the MAJORITY.”

“In Topeka, Kansas, for the love of god!!!!!”

Define fascism.

“This is what everyone who’s been there from the beginning wants, right? To have others join and learn and spread the message.”