Clipperton Saga

What a surprise: they guy who thinks his television opinions are infallible also likes to give unsolicited lectures on hip hop history.

Uh…unless you're referring to Katherine Heigl's character, the nerd was not honorable nor chaste, but most certainly was grody. The male lead was actively seeking casual sex, not reluctantly succumbing to it. That movie is an anti-cautionary tale about how, in practice, adulthood is merely rising to the occasion,

The argument is not that the Oscars have always been hopelessly navel-gazing; but that recently a trend has emerged. Certainly, I do not believe it's a difficult argument to make that the arts and culture, in general, have become increasingly navel-gazing in recent years and are stuck in a frame of self-reference. But

Yeah, but giving the award to Birdman was a way for critics to show how cool and egoless they were in celebrating a film that completely shat on their profession. They tripped over their dicks in their rush to be hip and ended up engaging in continued navel-gazing and awarding BP to a film that was perhaps the

Yeah, the whole "dream sequences are pointless" line of criticism is just stupid. Dream sequences are a shortcut for writers to show character motivations or to allow a character to realize something about themself or their situation. A dream sequence is a fun, surreal way to definitively establish these realizations

HBO has an objectively better track record than Starz.

Oh yeah, imply they like the Kardashians. THAT'LL show 'em!!! Is it a burden to possess such impeccable taste?

Yeah, I was 12 when we invaded Iraq and I don't remember the "media consensus" everyone now seems to remember. Granted, I was into punk and was getting some of my news from public radio and DailyKos and other leftist outlets I can't recall, but I recall debate over the quality of the intelligence. I recall

No, it absolutely doesn't. "The Media" is ripe for criticism, but that paragraph betrays a profoundly naive and laughable understanding of journalism in general. Reporting is no worse than it ever was (it's always been laughably short on content and long on form). It's shortcomings are merely magnified by the deluge

Not suggesting it was handled perfectly, but once the showrunners decided to remove Jeyne Pool from the storyline it was essentially an inevitability that Ramsay would rape Sansa. Not only did Theon assist Ramsay in raping Jeyne in A Dance With Dragons, but if you wed Sansa to Ramsay in the GoT universe, it would

As if we really needed further confirmation that the person defending the use of "thug" as an epithet was white…

I'm from Bloomfield (East End) and I have never heard anyone from the City of Pittsburgh describe themselves as a yinzer. I have, however, heard the "bridge and tunnel" crowd (e.g. the people at the Kenny Chesney concert) self-identify as such. Most commonly, though, yinzer is used pejoratively - either for Western

She was doing her job correctly. If you spend more taxpayer money to prosecute than what you recoup in restitution for two irresponsible millionaires (such cases are astronomically expensive and time-consuming), you are not honoring your civic duty as an elected official. Prosecutors must show discretion in bringing

Also, this was a non-denominational "meditation" room at a publicly-funded college, not a Muslim prayer room. It's not like anyone attempted to curtail private Muslim worship.

Wait…let me get this straight. Your thesis is: don't have an opinion on/fight for things that don't directly impact your day-to-day existence? Because that's an entirely indefensible stance. Injustice is injustice and just because it's couched in religious doctrine doesn't mean it's beyond reproach from those outside

Who would've predicted BCS would be the best legal drama on TV?

They licensed the real Bowie song 'Suffragette City' for this episode. The 'Life on Mars' cover is a plot point. And I don't see what all the Trey Songz hate is for. I think it's a good cover. Do you not like his voice?

Well, considering all the counterfeit wine organized crime is saturating the market with…I'd say the wine analogy holds.

The reviewing conceit doesn't absolve him of his behavior. One of the major themes of this show is how Forrest hides behind the conceit to justify heinous behavior. He is granted license to explore his basest desires without any accountability. Clearly anyone willing to undertake the reviews he does is morally

No, that's not irony.