This is the point at which you buy a shock collar and prepare for a long weekend.
This is the point at which you buy a shock collar and prepare for a long weekend.
Sea level: It really does mean what you think it means.
This is the dumbest response one can possibly have to the above post. If you are working in food service (and I’m assuming you are), you should really get a different job that would be more to your mental speed. Like, perhaps, a job where someone pays you to smash your face into a wall over and over.
“She was going to be killed by this guy some day, somehow. She didn’t have to die that night.”
“According to footage recorded on the officer’s body cam”
I just want to hear Bruce Jenner say that he’s happy. As a kid who built a decathlon in our backyard and competed with my siblings to be Bruce Jenner, I hope he gets to be what makes him happy. He was amazing and defined athleticism and masculinity, so let him define what makes him completely whole.
No. She squirts it DIRECTLY ON THE TABLE. The kids proceed to finger-paint the entire table with their chicken strips, ketchup, and Splenda concoction.
Oh no! That’s an inexcusable mistake. And I presume there’s no intention to fix it considering the usps quote? It’d be less maddening if it weren’t another example of the words of WOC getting lost behind the words of white women.
But the unsweetened Passion Iced Tea is so darned delicious.
oh god what if the kid got away with like
Handsome hero who's my age, hm? How you doin, Lassana? If you're into Jewish American women, wassup? In additional seriousness, what a hero!
as someone w a flat white ass this is super rude
jia, i like the way you do words in the order that you do. you are good at words orders.
Get in line.
Um, Gaston could totally get it.
Cats would never do this to anyone— they just don't have the attention span. This is why I will marry my cat and live happily ever after.