
I'm a linguist by education and profession. Not sure I believe this. Not only because of the incorrect word, but because of the correct spelling of the wrong word. Quiz question is odd, too.

Mark, numbering the children? Love it! Speaks to your organizational skills!

Not only because it doesn't make sense linguistically. But also, salsa? Really?

Needs some marinara to even have a fighting chance.

The crazy fan who rushes the limo is my new favorite!

Am I hallucinating all of this? What the fuck is going on right now?

It's outrageous. I couldn't give blood at my high school blood drive some 30 years ago. Made me sad, but looking back I can almost understand—it was the beginning of the AIDS crisis.

But for this to STILL be happening today? With all the advancements in science, testing, etc? OUTRAGEOUS.

If I were the dog, I'd be way madder with the human being than the elephant.

PS re cats, buttholes, etc. If I miss morning feeding time by 5 minutes, mine comes and stands on my head. Not sit, or lay. STAND. On all 4s. On my head!

Fucking outrageous. Inexcusable.


1. You despise most fruits.
2. There are few few fruits you don't despise, but could really do without.
3. You love raspberries.


My Russian babushka (Grandmother) used to do this with all us grandkids, too. Oh, the memories!

Depends. I work in the family business (not food), but have waited tables/tended bar full- or part time for much of the past 25 years.

Tipping has always worked for me. Because I'm damn good at it. If you're willing to study food, learn about wine, and REALLY learn the mechanics of the work you can do quite well.

I am from San Francisco . One day, (in 1985) 2 of my friends and I went downtown to KPIX. (Cut school) To see Ann and Ross on People Are Talking... (You know it if you are from here and of a certain age. He told a story about a baby boy he had. I was like hahaha!

I don't have a penchant for hot weather. At all. So this wouldn't be on my list of 500 things to do. Seriously. Not that I don't like fresh air and sunshine—I do. I lived a block from the ocean in Hawaii. PERFECT. Because ocean everywhere and breeze always.

But I'm a San Francisco native. Give me 55 degrees,

This is not semantics but real-life linguistics: Aerolineas Argentinas. Check it.

Signed, Spanish/English translator/interpreter.

In "Of Courseland".

Even in my hardest-drinking and most promiscuous days (all of which are long behind me) no way would I go down this road. And that's saying something, because I was Slutty McDrunkerson.

But if some DJ and a club full of guys told ME to do this? I'd be like: "NO. FUCK YOU. And just for suggesting it, Ima drink

I don't get the special trip to the car for the "light bulb dropoff". You're halfway through your shift. It's lunchtime. Leave the light bulbs on/under your desk and go to lunch! You can take the bulbs when you leave.

Also—he told the cops his excuse was he "fell asleep"!? Excuse for what? When?

I met my partner of 21 years at a job (movie theater). I was 16 and he had just turned 19 the week before. I was a junior in high school, he was a sophomore in college. I SWEAR TO GOD within one minute of talking to him I knew he was the one. We quickly became best friends.

After 5 years of friendship we said

I fell asleep. Literally.

See my post—-San Francisco proper even better! $10.50/hr baby!

I've waited tables/tended bar forever. From school days up till last year to fill in slow periods in my "real job" California doesn't have a waiter wage. And San Francisco specifically, has a higher min wage than the rest of the state.

So at my last restaurant job (last year) in SF, I was making $10.50/HOUR as my