I agree — it IS fascinating. That’s why I wrote it!
I agree — it IS fascinating. That’s why I wrote it!
Thank you for your input, berzerkertits.
The best Disney soundtrack is the original “Jungle Book”.
As an aside, isn’t it fucked up that as a 17 year old, you’ll be charged as an adult for possessing weed and the person provided it will be charged with providing it to a minor? Our fine American justice system at work...
Well you see, some people like the taste and experience of something while others do not. It’s a common variance among humans.
I have to assume dying at 11 AM is at least partially a conscious decision. If you’re old and have been up since 5, by 11 you’re faced with the option to go make yourself a sandwich for lunch, or die in your recliner.
I’d tell my sister that I’ll give her a joint when she turns 18. If she wants it before then, she can find it. But on the other side of the coin, if she’s about being a total bitch, then you’re going to jail for a long time if you sold it to her. Selling weed to a minor is 10,000x worse than giving it to a legal adult.
The whole point of hanging out with other men is to a) insult each other, and then take it one step too far and have it end in a vicious brawl, and/or B) one-up each other with KRAZY stories
My mother is too refined and classy for this site. She reads quality internet websites like the AOL homepage and TMZ
This phenomenon you notice has existed since the beginning of time.
On Friday, we asked you to tell us about the craziest dare you ever accepted. You all came back with stories of…
The Rolling Stones agree.
They should paint the 50 black.
Fuck yeah Raiders.
Your letters: