
Yeah, i guess I've probably had sex while previously playing music continues in the background, but putting something specifically for it? It seems like something people in college do because they've seen it in movies. I'm 43.

If we don't see them again this week, yeah, they're dead. But it's certainly possible that they might show up again this week.

Jamie has to kill Cersei for there to be any catharsis for their arc.

It's a cult comedy movie made by a bunch of people who later became pretty big stars. IMHO it is sort of funny.

There are DVD sets. My library has several of them. I know it's been on neither Netflix or Prime in the past. Not sure about now.

No. Some views (I don't know that Nelson holds any) are simply beyond the pale no matter how secretly one keeps them. If you think interracial marriage (just as one example) is immoral, you're a bad person and you don't deserve any consideration for how polite you are to interracial couples you meet at coffee shops.

I don't know, man, his Twitter is hilarious. And I always want to be pissed off at it because of his odious political views. But I just end up laughing.

I may buy Mech Cadet Yu simply because they know know to spell "whoa."

She was in the new Twin Peaks for about two seconds in a (so-far) non-speaking role.

I admire your optimism.

Cybill was much better than you'd expect, as I recall.

My point is that a bill that would totally insulate an Executive officer from the president is unconstitutional under even the most liberal reading of the majority in Morrison.

Poe's law.

Skimming that article, I think it goes the other way 'round. The Court said that you could restrict the president's power over Executive officers but you couldn't ever remove it altogether. Scalia says you couldn't even restrict it. Maybe I'm missing something.

Try nihilism. Worked for me!

You mean the ones that are actually Russian?

She has a vagina.

That would be indisputably unconstitutional under Morrison v. Olson. Not that I'm complaining.

Yeah, I'm just starting on the stuff with Kirwin right now. I don't know if I'd heard any of it before.

Hold up, a Fugazi opera without any of Fugazi's actual music?