
Or perhaps his ex-girlfriend's big sister.

No fez?

Yeah, the Talk of the Town puff pieces (there's one every issue) are always fun. Because if there's one thing we know about people who read the New Yorker, it's that we're searching for ways to prove our superiority, so every week they give us one.

Oh, it certainly happened.

That reputation is somewhat overblown, partly because there was a huge overprint of What If #32 (What If the Avengers Had Become Pawns of Korvac?), the one where (uh, spoilers) the entire Universe is destroyed. I don't know why they ran so many copies of it — it is a hell of a good story — but it was everywhere.

He said he was. He doesn't have the best reputation for honesty.

I think it's a fantasy to suggest that we don't all (ok, maybe most) have moments of rage that could erupt into violence. Mostly we don't because our higher functions restrain us.

Yeah, it was total make-up call.

Sounds pretty choice, actually.

1) You don't need a comma there; the second clause is not a complete sentence.

What? They are exactly the same.

Oh. Well, I got that too!

Doesn't matter. They're the same.

Make sure you're DTF when they wake, though.

Neither do I, but gazpacho is sublime.

If the shoe fits.

Having seen Obvious Child, it's no surprise to me that another Robespierre joint is slight and perhaps a little obvious but still funny and winning. I fully expect to enjoy this when it hits Netflix this autumn.

I laughed at the Dr. Jacoby one.

Definitely not.

What's the opposite of a tautology?