
I've said this before, but I always had assumed that when James told Coop and Harry that Bobby had killed a guy, it was supposed to be him misunderstanding a reference Laura was making to BOB. I was awfully disappointed by that scene in FWWM.

Yeah. Two and a half.

It just doesn't matter.

So you're saying it was exactly as great as people said?

I don't know how to respond to that. You made what certainly sounded like global claims about the difference between religion and pseudoscience, and now whenever I give you examples in rebuttal, you just say they don't count. But you never established any of these caveats in advance, and you hardly offer any

Young Earth Creationism? Faith as a superior medicine to penicillin?

As I've noted in another post around here, the Church holds that although the wafer is entirely Jesus's body, it is its fundamental substance which has changed, not the mundane chemical composition. (Exactly how this differs from Lutheranist consubstantiation is left as an exercise for the reader.)

My favorite comics characters are Superman, Spider-Man, The Thing, and The Fabulous Frog-Man.

I may be misremembering, but I think the original Blue Beetle (not Ted Kord, he came later) wasn't originally a Charlton character. (Charlton being the company DC later purchased which brought them ownership of The Question and Captain Atom.) Which is why the rights can be a little fuzzy, unlike those originated by

I'm not sure what that's meant to argue. Religions make statements about physical reality all the time. That these are derived from their faith is immaterial.

Didn't we all do that?

When Oliver Wendell Holmes was a young Union officer he was taking President Lincoln on a tour of the lines. One of the rebs decided to take a shot and Holmes shouted "Get down, you fool!", and wrestled him to the ground. He was worried that Lincoln would chastise him for this, but Abe said, "Captain, I'm glad you

Organized religions make tons of statements about physics. They've frequently locked people up for it. You're identifying a formal distinction that isn't observed in practice.

That's why I never watch trailers.

He could be 18 in this one. Liz is a senior, Flash could be as well. Or he could have been redshirted in kindergarten, so he might even be a junior still.

I definitely think these were all the same characters from the comics (and I'm pretty sure Ned's last name is mentioned). Some of 'em just have different names.

It's a true Spider-Man story of the classic type.

Shut your mouth.

It got lost pretty early, but the original idea was that no one knew Spidey was just a kid.

Nah, the jazz number was great.