
I think Inception is the more interesting film, but Interstellar is probably the only Nolan brothers joint that IMHO actually achieved the emotional catharsis that it thought it had.

Whoa, bitchin'. I look forward to watching you get your head blown off.

Ergh. Hateful Eight in 70mm was a epiphanic experience, but Nolan isn't nearly the director Tarantino is (well, more precisely, he's a pretty fucking great director; he isn't half the writer QT is, though) and the previews for this thing look awfully staid. I'll still see it, because I'm not sleeping on any 70mm

I didn't remember the guy's name, but I did in fact know that bit. Smart motherfucker.

Fuck Hobby Lobby.

I know one who I like quite a lot, and @Thomas seems like a good dude.

Maybe he meant to say "shot"?

To be perfectly honest, I do like freckles. My wife has very, very faint freckles across the bridge of her nose which deepen when she gets a bit of a tan, so this is a great time of year on that front.

This sounds, like, super reasonable to me. I've had meetings about who uses up all the office toilet paper that lasted over an hour. She did appear in a picture posed as if she had violently murdered the president, after all.

For god's sake don't apologize. You didn't do anything that requires an apology.

Pretty good.

Huh, I guess he did know something.

I don't understand why they're soliciting new flavors. They've already invented the perfect cookie — Double-Stuff Golden Ores. It's like eating pure saturated fat, but good.


Yeah, but the cherry flavor isn't that great. It's not like real cherry syrup.

It is *both* satire *and* delicious.

You monster!

Yo governor so fat, when he sit around the beach, he sit around the beach.


Not always. :-(