
@Facebook: You know you are just a nerd when you feel the need to brag about catching those errors.

@Alexander Ward: Me too, not that it's a phrase I use, but when I hear it I always assumed it was spelled baited.

@Nihilexistentialist: Yes, yes it does. It's a giant waste of money, whether you're doing it for cars or gadgets. But to do it at a time like this is ridiculously irresponsible.

Yeah, in this time of economic turmoil and with a federal government in debt so far our grandchildren will have no hope of paying it off, what we really need is to expand a stupid agency to rate the environmental efficiency of computers.

@Sibuna: mercury is a metal and is liquid at room temperature.

@—Tito—: That isn't true (mercury), and even if it was it would make no difference.

@—Tito—: you're confusing a state of matter with a material. At some temperature any metal is a liquid.

"It's also an oxymoron: Liquid, metal."

@s5: You're misinterpreting that clause for your own purposes.