
It's incredibly fucking lame. The one I hate is "too actressy and fake." She is an actress. If she seems actress-y, and like a theater kid, that sounds like the opposite of fake to me. Now, if she starts acting all "accountant-y,' then I might think that was a little fake. ;)

Having been convicted in a criminal action, paid the penalty formally, socially and professionally, and apologised, what more do we actually want from this person? His death, metaphorically or otherwise? In my opinion, he's an idiot, a spiteful moron for doing what he did, one would need to be, but I'm not comfortable

I've met and fostered relationships with a couple of Canadian blacks in my life

You know what? I would go out of my way to be friends with anyone who admits to liking Nickelback. Not because Nickelback isn't a terrible band, but because anyone who admits to liking Nickelback in this day and age is a person who doesn't give a fuck whether people think s/he's cool. And people like that are keepers.

I hope they don't have any while I'm there! I will throw my fucking crepes at those assholes.


It really is the best way to handle it. To erase it and present a sanitized version of the past would be false.

Thank God the Flyers Girls are back. I mean, otherwise, Philly fans would only have getting shitfaced and pooping in urinals while being videotaped by eight dudes calling you a queer during intermission left to them.

He hasn't play professionally since he left Phoenix.

I'll settle with him co-hosting season 2 of Cosmos with Neil Degrasse Tyson.

Chanel sending a pretty edgy message this season

"He's so obese, he can't even climb a tree," said [conservation officer Jack] Trudgian. "We don't want to tranquillize the bear on the ground, we'd prefer to get him in the tree, but he's so fat."

November 8, 2040 - In a result that surprised absolutely no one, President Tim Tebow was re-elected yesterday. The two-term leader was given the opportunity to run for a third term, after the United States Constitution was amended midway through his second term to appease the American public, who have been clamoring

Ok, called to my attention then. Called out may not have been the best (pre caffeine) choice of words.

It's all done under a lack of male gaze.

I'm sorry, I genuinely thought you were ignorant and sought to educate you. I didn't detect anything funny in your post, so I missed that it was a joke. Never mind, carry on!

Unfortunately, you (and me) will be more likely to trip over some rubble (since government services will have collapsed, the streets will be full of it), fall and break your hip and die from the ensuing complications.

I enjoyed that.

The circa-late-90s idea that anything that makes you feel even a little good is "empowering" and thus feminist needs to DIE FOREVER. Basically I never want to hear the word "empowerment" again, and have coined the word "fempowerment" to describe faux-feminist bullshit like this.