
The editorial voice operates like that, fpoon. You don't waste valuable space and verbage in an editorial saying "this is my opinion" or "gee, I realize not everyone may agree with me." It's assumed that since you're stating it, it IS your opinion and that you do realize not everyone may agree with you. Read an

Yeah, right. Typical BBC Sherlock fan asinine behavior to throw mud at another version, totally uncalled for. Nice. The rest of the Sherlock Holmes community is tired of this bull. Why isn't it enough for you to like your little show? Why do you feel the need to throw shade at other versions? The Downey Holmes

Oh brother - do you really want to drag the RDJ/Ritchie film fans into this? That was uncalled for. Yes, we do JUST LOVE IT - because RDJ is a wonderful Sherlock Holmes and Jude Law is the best Watson who's ever been on screen. And hmm - I thought this discussion was about Elementary and Sherlock, but if you really