This was so sweet, Bobby. Nice to see Brit Brit get some love. Happy New Year (soon..)
This was so sweet, Bobby. Nice to see Brit Brit get some love. Happy New Year (soon..)
Former NFL running back Clinton Portis has owed a lot of people a lot of money for some time now, and according to…
That dude in Aldo’s corner with the backwards’d think he’d just seen his family shot in front of him...damn, man.
And after all of that Marshall went out of his way to turn his life around. Seeking professional help for his mental issues and becoming an outspoken proponent of mental health. By all accounts he’s been a first class human being since then. Maybe he’ll screw up again, I don’t know, but I do know he’s been one of the…
Marshall might be the best example of a player overcoming their demons from the past. He has been very outspoken about his past issues with abuse and a very vocal proponent of reforming how the NFL deals with players who are domestic abusers.
Marshall hasn’t had an issue in 6+ years and appears to be on the right…
July 31, 2011: Announced he had been diagnosed with Boarderline Personality Disorder, and has been undergoing treatment to understand and manage his condition ever since.
But what’s your point?
It’s truly neck and neck whether you guys get more fun out of the possibility of racism or the racists do being racist.
How many thinkpieces would there be if, say, Jameis Winston took a trophy that way?
Thanks for the recap in text. Now I am sure I will not click on the video.
Well Dan, you’ve played for the All Blacks, how would you like to come play for the All Whites?
I am a really heavy Waze user- I think I’m like #900 in my state. The day I can selectively remove only “Vehicle Stopped on Shoulder” is the day I will consider Waze to be all grown up. So many little things make it just not quite perfect.
[Written in lipstick]: OLIVIA WAS HERE
Hafþór Júlíus Björnsson is a professional weightlifter and former silver medalist in the World’s Strongest Man…
Clearly, FedEx Field should've been a dome.
why obscure his face when we can see his name on his shirt smh
“Hopefully, they didn’t miss the comeback.”
Upon finishing, the gentleman turned around and screamed, “YOU LIKE THAT?!?!”
probably because of that big fuckin black shape in front of his face
I didn't want to write about Glen Duncan's nerd-baiting book review in last Sunday's New York Times. The one that…