Cliff Barr

Strong Black Woman ain’t no joke...


Depreciation is a damn miracle!

I would like to point out that for a lot of black people, this stuff isn’t history. This is MEMORY. I was born shortly after the Civil Rights Act. My folks got on the back of the bus because you were ORDERED to by law. This racism thing is really not that old.

The guy in the background is giving me many thought coming out of his head..probably something like “ain’t this a bitch!”

All writers I grew up with except Manney. He may have been just a little bit before my time. Having said that, of all listed Setright was my favorite. I got into his writing in CAR Magazine in the late 80s early 90s. I was stationed in Spokane Washington and used to go to the bookstore and buy these super expensive,

Why would someone throw a pie in a man’s face...and be surprised that said man delivered an ass kicking? Normally, people are so embarrassed that they just shut down. But not him. He took things into his own hands and whipped some ass. Maybe going forward people will not throw pies.

The wife used to run the DC school we suspect she’s corrupt.

Why Jesus can’t people just leave each other the hell alone! I mean really, just DAMN! Why was that little guy thinking...or smoking...or drinking...I mean, just....DAMN!

Ugh...and how many people have tried to re-write history. Or try to treat the president as an “other” or even tried to pretend that he’s not the commander in chief.

Fuck that guy...

Isn’t that what the lawyer said in the Stanford case? I thought you were being ironic, pointing out that it wouldn’t work for the black looking man.

I’ve been bald for years.

Now playing

Here is one to strike fear into everyone that drives a car. Youtuber VehicleVirgins believes a drone was used to photograph his car while speeding. THAT should strike fear into all our hearts! The ticket practically writes itself.

Baby caught my eye too! Great looking motor car.

I would be willing to bet the insurance company doesn’t “total” that car. It would be cheaper to fix than to replace, unless they got a hell of a deal on replacement.

Now that I think of it...they may fix it and give someone else a hell of a deal! Check the CARFAX folks!

Wow...somehow I think anyone woman could make the best of a night out with him...I’m just sayin’

Affordability is nothing 72 months can fix or 84! said the finance manager...

Oh! I like those choices!!! The S8 is a thriller!!!

This was really useful!