Cliff Barr

Ugh...I hate this story from very beginning to end. AH was a thug with great hands. Now, he’s just a thug.

What route did you end up taking?

Until they blow up Pod Cast, and SIRUS Radio, I’m good.

+ 1,000,000

I didn’t say it was cool. I didn’t say it was smart. I just do not think that this does anyone, including the people involved any good. What happens if someone loses a job? or relationship? All those people watching is one thing...thrown up on a national web page is something else entirely.

OK, not cool guys...if you are going to blur it it so there is no chance we can recognize. You are playing with fire. Yeah, I get it was inappropriate...but I’ve never liked these kinda things. Bad juju can happen as a result.

Just read the article. I believe the reporter recognized her error...wished she could take it back...and was glad when Nicki called her out...Yeah....boss bitch indeed.

I for one am far more happy to keep it to vjay-jay and panties. Killing, and beating gets old.

God, the tree is 1/2 the way through the car...

FanDuel didn’t pay the players...neither did the NCAA or University.

Nomally, the expression is “there is no such thing as a cheap Mercedes”. Scratch our Mercedes and put in Bentley.

I have to give you a great big disagree! Whole30 works. It’s not so much about being a FAD diet as it is about watching what you eat. Do you REALLY need that honeybun? Or do you really need to drink beer and or scotch every night? No you don’t.

That is fucking fabulous!!!

Wow, that didn’t take long.

Ugh...if you don’t have $180 don’t waste everyone’s time. Just beat off like the rest of us. Having said that, is $180 bucks really worth that much jail time? I think not.

You guys have LOST YOUR MINDS!!! If you don’t count Stafford from JCP or Ralph Lauren Polos you are on crack. And here’s a tip...get RL from Ross. Expect to pay under $20 for 3.

Screw the union!! just get the NCAA to give the players a cut of the $$$ billions they bring in...oh wait,the NCAA in charge and the student athletes have no power or recourse without...a union.

I shed a tear for batman this morning...felt really bad for him, his family and all the children he made a little happier.

If someone parks their BMW at the far end of the parking lot then LEAVE THEM THE HELL ALONE. He didn’t park up front. He didn’t park sideways. He parked at the far end of the lot. The guy that parked that close to him was being a DICK. We all know it. He got what he deserved.

And businesses will still say...”more regulation is BAD for business”. I say MORE regulation and more PROSECUTION is GOOD for business.