Cliff Arroyo

And then he takes her dancing…. and corrects her when she tries to lead.

It might have been mythic were Ramsay not such a two dimensional sadistic bully. There's no ambiguity there just soulless cruelty and numb endurance.

At which point a dragon shows up out of nowhere and cooks him.

Oh great, they're gonna crawl beyond the wall and end up in a tree now?

Too bad it's right next to Ethniek Frutsellaer street, which is really little more than an alley that ends in a chain link fence….

Well he might have finished them if he hadn't been so involved in the travelling minstrel dramatisations….

"You've said everything that needs to be said."

"Does anyone really think Stanis is dead? Why would you cut away from his final demise…?"

I thought it was lame as a storyline. Poor Sansa, it seemed like she would get to be more than a victim and possibly have an interesting for the first time in the series and they give her the ultra-victim storyline which at this stage was just …. boring. Very poor storytelling.

But Renley (sp?) really had no legitimate claim on the throne besides wanting to impress his boyfriend (who was trying to snare his sister a king as part of the Tyrell master plan)