
It’s the second episode where it really starts showing it’s true colors.

Yeah but these laws make sense because, just like gun control laws, they only affect law abiding citizens WAIT SHIT

After everyone walks through the gate, watch for the last guy who is AMPED and decides to go over the open gate.

THE BEST (maybe worst) movie to watch when you're stuck inside from debilitating snow is, of course, The Shining. Nothing sets the mood like a good case of cabin fever.

Blair Walsh Lived A Kicker’s Nightmare

For some reason I don’t feel like blaming the loss on the only guy who scored points for his team yesterday.

Six hours. After the second Hobbit movie was also full of CGI Donkey Kong nonsense I had no interest in the third. Am I missing anything?

So a group of people dominated an area for many years until outsiders moved in, took over everything, and routinely massacred the original inhabitants. Interesting.

If the ref didn’t want to be hit like that then he shouldn’t have been standing where he was and wearing the clothes that he had on. He brought this on himself. He knew damn well what would happen the second he left his house dressed like that and I don’t feel sorry for him one bit.

Not to be over dramatic, but that is nothing short of assault.

Thanks a lot. It’s an hour before bed and I’m craving mashed potatoes.

Maybe they were depressed because they can’t get married.

Dawg, they were definitely underinflating the balls.

Have you ever played Kinja? Because you’re awful at it.

It’s almost as if Klemko is a person to whom blame is deliberately and falsely attributed in order to deflect blame from another party, such as the NFL. Is there a word for such a.... guy?

Some science fiction writer with a biting sense of humor — which lets out Mr Day and his compadres — will doubtless write a scathing, satirical sf novel about this contretemps, which will leave Day & co. shouting impotently into gales of laughter, “It’s not funny!” But it will be.

“Look at that power generator! Man, that thing is huge!” “You said it, Tiny V!”

I particularly liked his explanation as to why film started being in color when it was just black and white for so long.