
Frame rate difference is only a problem with CRTs.

Pretty sure she didn't know Sansa was in there. Since no one in the realm knew.

Egypt had all the grain, why do you think the Romans went there...

They also sound like shit.

Except the conversion would have happened by way of Luke killing Vader.

Abrams was only the executive producer for Lost after season one. He co-wrote the pilot and directed a few episodes. Despite being the co-creator, he was not the show runner, that was Damon and Carlton.

ding ding ding we have a winner

No to this and to all the replies so far. It's not left and right that are reversed (and obviously not up and down), it is forward and backward. The inevitable consequence of this is that characters are reversed and the naïve understanding is that the horizontal axis is flipped. Thinking about this a bit more

3.31.13 might as well be called "April."

All of these vehicles need more air volume to stay aloft than what is available at 20,000 meters.

join my guild PLEASE. NOW.

Also, Kate Winslet.

See for the golden age science fiction version of this argument. It's brilliant. Of course, it's Asimov.

Your mom is also a middle class white male? Imagine the privileges that must afford you!!!