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Kind of the pot calling the kettle black, here.

People could say that about 90% of your “articles”.

In the spirit of communism and solidarity I will play this game for free. Thanks, tovarishchi.

You lost us in the opening paragraph at “objectionable conservative concepts like capitalism”. There’ll be plenty of time to make politically-charged games in your indie game dev commune.

Oh the irony of a communist promoting game for capitalist profit. China would be proud.

Communism will never work, you will always be the last person behind the captain, except even worse as you’re expected to work. You have no rights when in a communist/anarchist regime. The game is also ass, but that’s besides the point.

The way the article describes capitalism as “conservative” and “objectionable” is in itself objectionable. 

Free apps you should be using for your iPhone:

I disagree that the tweet is transphobic.

I heard the camera cuts away when you take the disk out and put it in an Xbox One

I think I’ve gotten to the point where you just get stars and I don’t even have to read your comment.

“1.) It may well not be her cleavage that makes her successful.”

even in the gif posted above, I don’t see any real difference between the two sets of footage...

Meet the comedian the doesn’t understand comedy.

I almost replied to OP about “If you know it had a cover before, why were you so melodramatic and long winded with this post?”


at first i was sure that it was a very glossy bill murray, until i realized its actually tom hanks with white paint on him.

Wait. That’s chubby? He just looks armored.

My apologies - I never know when that comparison is made to be a jab at Zelda being inferior/whatever, or just for funs.