Clickbait Killer

By all means, don’t post the news without a snarky comment.

No, not my first time at io9. Is this the first time they’ve sunk this low with useless worth nothing clickbait soapboxing? No, guess not. Yay us.

You're a legend.

Wow, what an insightful read. This is your actual job?

And you wrote a “how to fix” article after the new season is already shot and ready to launch. How exactly will they be to able to use your brilliant insider advice? Unless your lessons and advice are not sincere and meant only for clicks and peanuts.

Wow, what a level headed response. The OP is right, you state your opinions as fact. Try writing OPINION next time for us who are so easily confused. Oh, but then you wouldn't get the incredibly classy article title would you? Anyway. Thanks for not working in TV.