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If Kroenke has a checkbook, he doesn’t know how to open it. (except to buy ranches)


Coldplay is Radiohead for people who wear pleated Dockers.

It wont be funny when that banana is thrown at a Black player on the pitch at Stamford Bridge next Saturday.

That’s how we got the Nazi Pope

Cleveland Browns? More like Charlie Browns (cue sad piano music)

The Polar Birch Beer is far superior to their Root Beer, but still probably tastes like cheap soda.

Never Forget: the sloth who looks like Noel Gallagher

Is it me, or has the “not interested” button disappeared? Because Netflix’s algorithms really recommend shit for me.

Honestly, I thought the bear attack was the worst part of the movie. mainly because it was so obviously CGI.

Agreed that it’s an important story, but I never had any intention of seeing the movie because I already saw League of Denial, I don’t need a movie version of it with Will Smith.

I think more shocking is how high Newcastle is on that list. That’s a lot of revenue for a team about to be relegated.

I got a kindle for Xmas 2014 and thanks to the library and overdrive I have not paid for any books in the past year.

A little over a year ago the school where I teach implemented a free period like a study hall where they can read, catch up on work, or do supplemental activities such as Khan Academy for an hour. In an effort to model good behavior I decided to read for that hour. Not only was I psyched to get an hour a day to read,

Comedy is subjective, but to me comedy is about punching in every direction.

There are. You haven’t heard of them because they are not funny.

Pretty sure whoever designed that shirt gave up all rights to Nike, PSG, or both.

Can PSG show outrage over this if Emirates is not? It is their logo that has been defaced.