Welcome to you're "Doom!"

Maybe the Mets finally wised up and saw it for the ponzi scheme that it was.

Michael Cera sure isn't aging well.

I thought it was a cam zooming in on a guy that clearly doesn't know the lyrics he's trying to sing along to.

Ordered w/ Prime as soon as the offer went up. Got it delivered today (a Sunday, surprisingly). Opened the box, plugged in and let it initialize. Opened my browser and went to xfinity site and it did all the set up. Swapped out and online in less than 15 minutes. I ran speedtest, and only got about 5 mbps more from

Ordered w/ Prime as soon as the offer went up. Got it delivered today (a Sunday, surprisingly). Opened the box,

Sharper: who do I have to fuck to get into the HOF?

Grits n Gravy: loves his mother, loves PCP.

JR, there's a Carlos Baerga on line one. He want's to have a word with you.

When I home for xmas I brought some beer back to Mass, and made the mistake of bringing too much Dortmunder and not enough Bells Two Hearted. #firstworldproblems

CTRL + F Phil Hartman not found

If I had a time machine I wouldn't go back to kill Hitler or Osama or anyone like that. I'd kill the first person who told Frank Caliendo he was funny. And then maybe Frank Caliendo for good measure.

And he's more terrifying as a 50 year old than he was in his 20s.

Ready to Fight: song most likely to be covered by a band that looks like they definitely are not ready to fight. And Madball (who definitely are ready to fight)

Someone needs to tell Jack the difference between being an offensive player and playing offensively.

I know this wasn't a Notch article, but how great are Notch beers? LotD, IPL, Pils, are all so good and you can drink them all day. It doesn't hurt that the people involved with the brand are all great too.

Ming Tsai gave me shit for drinking a Gansett at Blue Dragon. I wanted to ask why he had it on the menu, but cooler heads prevailed.

One beef I have with 'Gansett is the prices of the varietals are getting outrageous. I saw a 6 of Fest tall boys over $10 the other day. Luckily Lager tallboys are still roughly $6.

And in 2014 the same thing happened with Yuengling in Massachusetts.

And Sam Summer being rolled out when there is still snow on the ground because bros need summah beer to watch the Sawx.

I'll only add that living in Cleveland Circle sucks during every BC home football game, Marathon Monday, and after last call every weekend.
signed, former Englewood Ave resident