Clever Username

Twitter needs to always exist so it can let the public know who has no common sense.

Yeah it's basically an Onion headline: "Nation's girlfriends looking forward to seeing that movie about some reincarnated dog."

Who was going to see this shit in the first place? This would have bombed on its own. No boycott necessary.

It has always been really well made trash. I don't think anyone disagrees with that.

Thanks for the heads up. I did get an email about that today. I think you just go to the website and click the link so anyone can do it.

I look forward to being disappointed on Friday when I go to buy tickets to the Atlanta show but it sold out at 10:00.001 and I was a millisecond to slow.

My only thought after watching the first episode is WTF? No desire to see another episode.

Apple TV isn't a paid service. Apple music is. Apple TV is just a device for viewing content. They are going the Amazon route of making their subscription service more valuable by giving you more things.

We all know 2016 Coldplay can't end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict…but I'm pretty sure a joint Beyonce / Taylor Swift concert would bring world peace. And somehow solve world hunger too.

Are NES Minis actually in stock in stores yet or are they still a hot item for scalpers?

Is DAB the same as "HD Radio" here in America?

She has a major spot at Coachella so usually that means an artist is going to release a new album.

Oh yeah I can't wait to hear more Royal Blood. I've listened to that first album to death.

Honestly I thought it was referring to a radio station address like 3.30 FM until I saw them on the Tonight Show and they had a 3:30 countdown clock going behind them that ended exactly when the song ended.

It means 3 minutes 30 seconds aka the ideal length of a radio hit.

The new Sylvan Esso album is probably my most anticipated. After that NIN. Also I saw Phoenix is headlining a festival so I assume they are releasing an album.

I think this is a good move. I will watch a weekly Conan show but have no desire to watch a daily one.

They did the same thing in Matrix Revolutions when the woman who played The Oracle died.

Yeah I was wondering the same thing. Their performance on SNL featured some of the whitest dance moves I've ever seen and they had no energy so I was left wondering what all the buzz is about as they are fairly popular.

Thematically consistent doesn't equal good if the theme is being cheesy as hell. It was no less ridiculous than Batman Forever, it just didn't have neon colors. Saying the The Dark Knight didn't succeed at what it was trying to do is laughable. That movie is great.