Clever Username

BSG could have gotten away with something ambiguous but at that point Lost had pissed off so many people with their never ending list of unanswered questions that if they didn't attempt to give a conclusion I think Lindelof would have been burned at the stake. Just because the endings that exist for those shows were

Yeah nothing satisfies your fans more than leaving them hanging after investing 50 hours in your series. That would have gone over really well. I would say that is a dumb idea but being a Philly sports fan you grew up being left hanging so it's what you are used to. It's not your fault.

Dennis's transformation into a full blown serial killer continues with that clay womans head in a freezer. I was really excited for this episode because the first one is one of my all time favorites but it wasn't on the same level as the original. I did love the trumpet and stomping at the beginning along with the

I think Izzy not being part of this is a big letdown. Not because his rhythm guitar skills are so important but if I pay to see a GNR "reunion" I would want to hear them play 14 years with him on lead vocals.

According to wikipedia there have been 10 guitarists in GNR.

So has anyone actually been to a 4DX movie? It sounds really stupid but I'm curious to hear someones opinion.

I don't think anyone expects them to be the ultimate in honesty and purity but when your job is to uphold the law we do expect they don't break it to put someone in jail who might be innocent.

The phrase "damning evidence" should probably be reserved for a videotape of him murdering the woman not for stuff in this article.

After watching this, I feel the same way that I did after listening to Serial. Regardless of whether Avery did it or not, there is so much reasonable doubt I don't understand how he was convicted. Brendan's confession certainly complicates his case, but there is even less (as in zero) physical evidence that he was

I actually enjoy Chinese Democracy. It's super over produced but it has some good songs with cool solos. Obviously it wasn't worth the time it took to make but no album would be.

So has anyone actually seen them in their most recent incarnation over the last few years? I would like to actually here someone's opinion of what Axl sounds like now instead of hearing about his antics 20 years ago.

I'm not familiar with the actual event but that description doesn't sound exciting. Regardless any Nolan movie is a guaranteed ticket purchase from me.

I really don't get why she is being singled out as the award worthy performance. Don't get me wrong she was good but for me Kurt Russell and Sam Jackson stole the show. The movie would be really boring if it wasn't for them carrying it with their performances.

I really enjoyed this movie. Even though it was 3 hours long it didn't feel long to me but I'm sure the 10 minute intermission definitely helped with that. Samuel Jackson and Kurt Russell were fantastic. The rest of the cast also had their moments. I was pretty underwhelmed with the 70mm presentation. I saw it a on a

Oh good I was just thinking how someone should really make a show about investigating murders. Talk about a missed opportunity until now.

I remember when Avatar released a preview in IMAX months before its release the attendance was poor and the reception was luke warm and people were making fun of it.

I have no excitement at all towards these sequels but seeing Avatar in IMAX was an incredible movie going experience so I wouldn't be surprised if when it actually comes out that it is a massive success. I don't need 3 sequels but you can virtually guarantee I will see the 2nd movie in theaters.

Exactly. I hate country music while fully acknowledging that their might be artists in the genre who could drastically change my opinion. But given the amount of country I can't stand the reward isn't really worth the time it would take to find that needle in a haystack.

I was disappointed with Jessica Jones, but David Tennant gave a stand out performance.

You're looking at it in hindsight though. No one would have paid more for it at the time (I don't know if anyone else was even looking to buy it) and Lucas isn't getting any younger. You were buying essentially two big franchises Star Wars and Indiana Jones whose fan bases hated the most recent film incarnations.