Clever Username

Yeah she has a valid reason for keeping him alive but the body count as a result of him staying alive is staggering. I know she promised to help the girl in jail but I don't think her freedom is worth so many other people dying.

I'm actually glad they didn't go full on adult veronica mars and have a case of the week. I just wish the serialized narrative was more compelling. I'm on episode 11 I think so I'll reserve my final judgement until I'm done.

I'm so bored with this show. Every episode is the same. We must find Killgrave. We found Killgrave but we won't actually kill him. Killgrave kills someone and escapes. We must find Killgrave…

I hate myself every time I sing-along to the hook from Pusha T's Sweet Serenade. Couldn't he have gotten any other singer to be on that awesome track?!?

Don't worry, the Koch brothers got that covered.

Yeah more like it ran a half marathon in a really good time and got cocky so it decided to keep going and then died after another mile before having its body dragged the remaining 12.

That's true. He's currently in the exclusive VIP area of AV Club talking about how great the album is.

Why is the buyer staying anonymous? Shouldn't he be bragging? Or is he ashamed he bought what is most likely a mediocre album at best for a million times more than it's actually worth.

Aquaman obviously.

Yeah they are no doubt iconic but the advertising industry loves to pretend like what they do is somehow more important than selling stuff.

That site must continue to exist so we can remember how far we have come as a species.

It always blows my mind when stuff like this happens. Apparently no one in any marketing department has common sense.

Yeah the live arrangements were so good especially during all the outros. Much more powerful live. Wish he would release professionally shot concert videos.

He still has a very long way to go before pulling off a Justin Timberlake-esque transition to respectability. It doesn't help that he still remains completely unlikeable.

I love Unbreakable. Absolutely holds up on repeat viewings unlike the overly gimmicky Sixth Sense. For Unbreakable to be a superhero movie that is nothing but origin story yet still be entertaining it is a definite accomplishment.

Great songs sound great no matter what you play them with. Musically this version sounds really cool. i can't get over the thick accent in the vocals.

I thought the original pilot had terrible dialogue and acting. Is the actual show any better? It's an interesting concept so I want it to be good.

I really like this show. The comics seem to really have fun with it and try out material that they probably wouldn't do anywhere else and that is refreshing to see. Also the backstage interactions are usually really funny / interesting since it's always a unique combination of people.

I remember one time I was in a bar and they had a bottle of this stuff on the top shelf in a locked box. I obviously had to ask how much a shot of that cost and the answer was $110. They said they were on their 2nd bottle of it. This was in a town where bars had $1 shots and $5 pitchers of beer.

Him and Nikki Glaser are the best on that show.