Clever Username

This sounds weird but anything that gives Ryan Hansen work I'm all for. How is that guy not a big star at this point?

Nikki Glaser is by far my favorite guest. She kills it every time which is why she wins every time.

The show would probably be awful if the material wasn't prepared beforehand. But I assume the individual comedians are the ones writing the jokes for themselves so I still find it really enjoyable to hear what they came up with. And when an actual improv moment occurs (which does happen a couple times per show) it

I'd rather have this too far away shot then the people who zoom in extremely close on the lead singer and follow them everywhere ignoring everyone else on stage.

Whoa wait a second here. I was totally on board with what you were saying until you brought up Whiplash and not Rourke's perfect performance as Marv in Sin City. Iron Man 2 was totally forgettable and Whiplash was not a highlight.

I agree with all your ratings except I thought Man Of Steel was good.

Let's rank late night talk show bands:
The Roots >>>>Every other band not on late night with seth myers > 8G Band.

That's really the best way to describe everything about the show. It's quite pleasant.

I'm still not sure what I think of her music. I've been listening to her latest album recently and I just don't know. But I'm very sure she is really attractive.

I give this guy credit for bringing this up now, the same year the season aired, instead of like 10 years after the fact which seems to be the typical amount of time people wait to make these claims.

I feel over-hype hurts more prestigious artsy movies like Boyhood more so than mainstream movies like Guardians. I LOVED Guardians because it's really funny, and it has great action, music, and characters. That stuff is some what objective and it's easy to be impressed by flashy stuff.

Hi, I'm from the future. Guardians of the Galaxy is way more exciting.

Yep. I don't live there anymore so I don't know first hand or anything but it was surprising to hear that even country fans don't think it's ok.

I don't understand it either but what drives me crazy is that mosh pits always form in the middle aka the best location for people who actually want to watch the band play. Then you have to spend the whole concert keeping one eye on the pit to make sure some asshole doesn't decide to just slam into you or the people

I've seen articles recently about big country concerts in my hometown and how no one wants them anymore because people just trash the venue and there are so many arrests.

I think the worst thing that can happen to you at a drake concert is someone will use a lint roller on your without asking.

Does anyone know what movie theater servers look like? Is it just a manual folder structure with digital files sitting on a hard drive? Is it really up to the 15 year old running the projector to name the files? And why are they still showing a movie from 2012? So many questions…

The record company actually created an Awesome Mix. Vol.1 playlist on spotify.

Ghostbusters was a big part of my childhood but I would rather see this happen than some pathetic senior citizen Ghostbusters not starring Bill Murray. Or we can just not make another Ghostbusters movie too. That is a very available option Hollywood.

I don't think it will lessen your enjoyment at all. It's definitely a great soundtrack (the score is good as well) but I actually couldn't tell you what song was used where except for the ones used at the very end of the movie because they are just fresher in my mind.