Clever Username

Very true. No one has ever said "this movie was good until The Rock showed up."

Haha for the most part I agree with you. But my love of 90's WWF Rock sadly makes me willing to watch anything he's in.

It looks like he has a single spike in the middle of his cowl similar to the spike on the Pickelhaube helmet used by the Germans back in the day.

I officially join this boycott…until 6 months from now when I'm bored and it's on netflix and I'm like "Oh cool the rock is in this."

We will know the apocalypse is upon us when there is a newswire article about Alan Moore praising a movie. I hope I never see that day.

I just can't picture Weird Al sitting in some board room at a record label and guys in suits telling him "Listen Al, our quarterly earnings report depends on you making a parody of a Cindi Lauper song. Don't let our shareholders down."

Yeah I agree. I think Barbara Gordon has seen too much shit (and should probably be too old) to be this cute young girl again.

By the way, for me it says that your reply was posted "in a few seconds." So apparently I have the ability to look into the future. I know what all of you are going to post before you do. {insert evil laugh}

This article might as well have been titled "You won't believe what Thor said about losing his hammer."

I can't imagine he hates any of the songs he chooses to parody (at least not musically) because you wouldn't want to spend your life performing songs that sound just like songs you hate.

I'm curious to hear why you feel that way. I think I enjoyed it the most because it really felt like major things were happening every episode and the whole power structure that had existed for the first 3 seasons was shaken up. And I think it had the most memorable death scenes so far.

Broad City and True Detective are my favorite new shows. And I think Game Of Thrones had its best season ever.

Several of these are from Battle For the Cowl and look pretty cool. Can someone tell me if that is worth reading? I've seen mixed reviews. I've read all of Morrison's run and I feel like I'm missing out on some stuff from not reading that.

My favorite Superman story. Russian freedom fighter Batman is awesome.

Why does the Batman from the 2014 DC animated movies (bottom row) look like he's wearing a German WWI era helmet?

If by reinterpret you mean speed up and play sloppier then yes they would do that. I've never really been impressed with their older live performances but I did see them a couple years ago and they sounded good.

He said he is going to do a re-release of Machina/Machina II together in some set like it was supposed to be originally. I think he's doing one a year so that will be next.

Yeah the site that literally wrote the book on high performance website design was slower then Nerdist and YouTube. Embarrassing.

It's actually crazy how many song titles on that album are fitting to lose your virginity to. Fuck You, Love, Cupid de Locke, Take Me Down, Where Boys Fear To Tread, Bodies, We Only Come Out At Night.