Clever Username

I actually think Shaub still has some game left in him. A new team will do him good although being on the Raiders is not ideal. He is certainly a quality veteran back up at least.

I feel like most bands could sub in a roadie no problem but there aren't many people that can just sit in for Thomas Pridgen and not fail miserably.

If the movie doesn't end with the draft pick being a total bust and the coach getting fired then it just won't be accurate.

I know why they do it, I just think it sucks. I used to really look forward to draft saturday but now I barely remember that its on.

Yes Daily Show should be an hour with an in depth interview showed in full. I'm so sick of Stewart telling me to go to the web to watch the fucking inteview. I pay for cable and record your show so I don't have to watch on the web. It seems like every interview goes long now.

I could be wrong but I think everything but the live challenges are prewritten (which is why they are called live challenges). You can always see them read off their tablets before answering. My guess is they tell them the categories earlier in the day and they prepare some stuff before the show.

I dont mind Hardwick but he is rarely funny. Luckily he seems to be friends with very funny people.

I'm still bitter I never got to see Mars Volta live. I had tickets once but they cancelled the show 4 hours before because they fired their drummer. It was the last show on the tour too.

I love @Midnight. Am I in the minority on that?

Great choice. Congrats to Colbert. As great as the Colbert Report has been in the last couple years I'm excited to see him be himself on TV.

Agreed I would love to have a fly on the wall view of what Bill O'Brien and the Texans are going through right now.

Am I the only one who hates that the draft is in primetime now? I used to love spending a whole Saturday doing nothing but watching the draft and drinking with my friends. Now I rarely see any of it because I'm always doing something Thursday and Friday evening.

Why does this movie even exist? Who the fuck wants to watch a movie about the Browns drafting. Especially one that is not advertised as a comedy.

This was a great episode. I only just started watching this show but the 3 episodes I have seen have been hilarious.

Definitely my favorite track on that album. Glad to see I'm not alone in thinking that.

No it teaches them that no one wants to pay for HBO but everyone has a nice friend that will pay and is willing to share their password.

Last night at that very same time I was watching Wrestlemania on the WWE network via Apple TV and it worked flawlessly and that "channel" is like a month old. I was impressed. I was expecting a complete crash or at least degradation in quality.

As ridiculous as that movie is, I think the opening scene is unmatched.

I was about to type The Man With The Golden Litigation but you beat me to it.

The Attorney Who Loved Me.