
I really appreciate your thoughtful reply! But saying that no one is reacting to this by saying that Kaepernick should pay his respect, be grateful and keep his mouth shut is to ignore the vast majority of conservative reaction any time a black athlete speaks out or protests the government. It is just par for the

It’s not a straw man, it’s what conservatives do to athletes who get out of line. Can you not recognize that your stance makes you an EXTREME outlier in the conservative community? Head on over to Pro Football talk for a taste.

Depends Adult Undergarment Field, here we come

WTH? Where’s his fork? Where’s his knife? Why is he TOUCHING THE CHICKENS?!?!

Dafuq? Tirico is actually good. Which is rare for play-by-play announcers in the NFL. And it’s not like he’s spicy. Dude is completely inoffensive, you know, other than the sexual harassment stuff. Which is not something the NFL would give a flying fuck about.

So they did something that no one knows about and made up a fake robbery story to cover it up?

This is her pandering to her base.

I certainly was against the Iraq war, but foreign policy has never been my focus. Which may be shitty. I think Hillary is imperfect both economically and socially, but that doesn’t take away from a laundry list of progressive positions in either category.

I am unable to do that.


Atlanta, Georgia. Voted for Bernie before his campaign went off the rails. I’ve always respected Hillary. I’m a lifelong liberal and a progressive Democrat. I don’t think you recognize that Bernie and Hillary’s ideology is only different around the edges. Am I being naive by acknowledging that Hillary Clinton is a

She is a progressive, so no, it is bizarre to most of us that progressives would be hostile toward the prospect of her as president.

You’ve lost sight of the fact (if you ever had it) that Hillary Clinton is a good, progressive candidate. She just doesn’t promise rainbows and puppies to everyone and she’s an actual politician.

This seems like the opposite of pandering. And note that it’s not like he’s saying he roots for a team in the state where he’s actually a politician.

Wait, are you telling me that a sign that says “BANGS ARE THE DEVIL’S CHILDREN” with a picture of Taylor Swift with Devil’s horns is a joke? No way! Next you’ll tell me that Triumph the Insult Comic dog isn’t an actual dog.

That list is a veritable who’s who of desperate morons.

All the good ones are sacrificing their community’s trust so the bad ones can have immunity from punishment of their abuse. It’s a bad deal for the good ones! They should do something about it.

You do realize that the Lynx honored the slain officers, right? And that anyone is criticizing officers for is when they do illegal stuff to people? Right? Right???

Did you think they weren’t going to cover this?

The mood was forlorn in my house at the prospect of another four years.