
How much you want to bet that the same virgins worried about this shit are the same virgins concerned with ‘integrity in journalism'?

God I love you for making these narcissistic nobodies with delusions of grandeur so butt-hurt. It’s hard to feel bad for these people since nobody forced them to devote their lives to such a worthless enterprise.

How long after public outcry for his firing does he (wrongfully) turn this into a 1st amendment issue?

Do you ever consider that the ‘health problems’ you constantly allude to might have something to do with all this shit you eat?

Meh, would be impressive if the goalie was actually positioned properly. Standing BEHIND his wall? gtfo.

I never wanted to give someone a swirly so bad in my life...

But dota has at least 4 non-championship tournaments that are larger, in terms of viewership and prize pool, than smite’s championship yet they are rarely mentioned, even before yannick got fired.

Yeah they fired Yannick the moba guy last month. I suspect it had something to do with his incessant coverage of League at the expense of covering anything else.

I was referring to the 4 valve sponsored majors. This is actually the first year they are doing four, previously it was just the international.

Also, Bethesda spent an obscene amount in advertisement, which would seem to support my suggestion that coverage can be bought.

There was no mention of the dota 2 qualifier that just ended, nor was there any mention of the dota 2 major a couple months ago which had a much larger prize pool.

Holy shit, how much is Smite paying in advertisment to get you guys to talk about them so much?

Does smite advertise on kinja?

Being that you are at a Smite tournement, at least you won’t miss anything interesting when you fall into a diabetic coma.

How does it feel to be the best and most versatile writer on kotaku?

Good one!

Please, this prize pool is a fraction of most dota and lol tournements, and this is supposed to be smites biggest one.

No one cares about this shit game...

Fahey talking about this shit game almost makes me miss yannick’s incessant LOL yapping. Almost.