Poor car...
Poor car...
Can we PLEASE get a Zack skin for this?
Commends to Grayson for being one of the best/most versatile writers on the kinja network.
What’s more disturbing is that Yannick gets paid to post this fanboy crap.
Fucking love this.
What a scoop!
Can’t believe people play this basic ass game. Chalk it up to blizzard being much better at advertising than making gamednow.
Bullshit cash grab inc
You ever get tired of this payola crap?
Yes, it’s just you.
So you stopped playing because it was too “hard” and didn’t get instant gratification?
Omg you do soooo hood.
Can you please go back on vacation?
Holy shit now much does Blizzard pay you guys?
This post is brought to by: Blizzard Entertainment.
I hope Riot is at least paying you for this shit.
Don’t scroll past the adds?
He looks like a Fucking cult leader. At least trim so it’s not SO obvious you play computer games all day?
Nah, he’s simply playing the white man’s game. Gg newbs.
Good. Fuck Texas.